May 9, 2024

5/9, Riverside at 102

I arrived to view the 102nd St. red-tailed hawk nest at 3:20 and found a feeding in progress. The papa hawk arrived just seconds after I did.

3:20 Feeding - 7428

He hung about for about a minute and a half, half of it leaning over the nest bowl alongside the female and half of it perched down to the side.

3:20 Feeding - 7433
3:20 Feeding - 7441

And then he departed, leaving all the work to mama. And work she did, a good 15 minutes of activity or more. From her changing position she was plainly feeding at least two babies, and three would not be a surprise.

3:20 Feeding - 7488

It wasn't clear whether I'd managed to actually spot the fuzzy head of one baby hawk through the sticks (but definitely not above the sticks) at mama's left. Probably not, because there was a very convincing feather inches away that also had me doublechecking photos. Even so, it seems they should be visible within a day or three.

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