April 18, 2016

4/14, Hatch at Riverside and 116th

Riverside Hawk Nest - 7042

Last Thursday marked 35 days since the mama red-tailed hawk at the nest in Riverside Park at 116th St. was observed preparing to spend the night in the nest, and that meant egg-hatching time was due if it hadn't happened already. I wasn't able to walk over to the nest site until late, arriving just after 7:00 p.m. just in time to see the red-tail settling down into the nest. Had I missed something interesting?

But five minutes later, as sunset began to color the light, she got up and started fussing around. And then she could be quite obviously seen tearing a bit of meat off some leftover prey.

Feeding - 7085

And then bending down into the nest to give the tidbit to a waiting mouth.

Feeding - 7086

So plainly there was a baby hawk in the nest with her, even if it was much too small to be seen from viewpoints along the park wall.

It seemed that one action of feeding was about all that was to be seen. The mama hawk stretched a bit.

Stretch - 7095

She possibly checked a couple other points in the nest bowl, and then settled back down with the new baby hawk.

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