July 10, 2014

7/10, St. John the Divine

Unless there was a meal delivery that I missed, it appears that one of the young red-tailed hawks at the cathedral has begun to successfully hunt.

A line of pigeons along the roof of the Cathedral School suggested a hawk was in the area, and indeed, I found one in the big tree by the Deanery. He was flapping around as he tried to maintain his perch. It turned out one foot was clenching a pigeon.

Juvenile Cathedral Hawk & Prey - 3910

Juvenile Cathedral Hawk & Prey - 3912

And making some effort to pluck the prey.

Juvenile Cathedral Hawk & Prey - 3918

More stable footing being required, why not try the roof of the Cathedral School.

Juvenile Cathedral Hawk & Prey - 3922

Juvenile Cathedral Hawk - 3930

Where, oddly enough, the rest of the pigeons were not in a hurry to exit.

Juvenile Cathedral Hawk - 3932

Rotate around to see if he can get a better position.

Juvenile Cathedral Hawk - 3953

Juvenile Cathedral Hawk - 3960

Rotate some more.

Juvenile Cathedral Hawk - 3961

And finally time to dig in.

Juvenile Cathedral Hawk & Prey - 3962

Dinner lasted perhaps 15 minutes, after which the young hawk remained in place, watching whatever flew over and checking out the rest of the pigeons, perhaps sizing someone up for tomorrow's breakfast.

Juvenile Cathedral Hawk - 4001

1 comment:

  1. Wow, great timing on this one! You just might have caught this fledgling with its very first catch.
