January 2, 2009

1/2, First Hawk of the Year

First raptor sighting of the year for me came just before sunset today when I spotted a red-tailed hawk perched on an antenna on Frederick Douglass Boulevard.

Isolde in Harlem

The distance was about 900 feet from where I was standing, but it was an easy spotting. I wondered why I'd never seen a hawk perched there before. Maybe the antenna is new?

A moment past official sunset (4:40), the hawk took off toward the north end of Morningside Park. I thought it might be headed for Tristan's favorite roost at 117th St. if not further. But walking up Morningside Drive, I found Isolde perched between 114th St. and 115th St.

Isolde Goes to Roost

Her crop is stuffed so full that she must have had a very late and large dinner.

Although I thought that particular spot was a little exposed for a night-time roost, Isolde was still there when I left a bit more than 10 minutes later.

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