March 20, 2013

3/19, Tail Feathers

With the red-tailed hawk nest at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine as high up and as deep as it is, a tail feathers sighting is about as good as it gets during nesting season unless you happen to catch a nest switch-off.

Tail Feathers

Not sure what I mean? Look closer. That's not a bit of bark poking up above the nest.

James reported the same view last Friday. This suggests that the cathedral nest is a week ahead of its usual schedule, and that hatch might occur around April 16.


  1. Exciting! Interesting that the nest is ahead of last year, when it seems that vegetation is behind last year. I have photos of March 21, 2012 showing cherry trees along the Hudson in full bloom.

  2. Well, maybe I shouldn't say it may be so very early. For some reason I think of the cathedral nest typically having first hatch about April 24, but not that I double-check I see that 2010 and 2012 were about April 17.
