March 30, 2013

3/30, Washington Heights Red-Tails

Early Saturday evening found the Washington Heights red-tailed hawk pair in and about their 2013 nest. They have returned to the J. Hood Wright Park area, and seem to have built this year's nest quickly. They are again on a fire escape, and I don't recall seeing any sticks up there when I walked through the area three weeks ago.

In any event, Saturday's first sighting was of the male perched on a water tower on a building along Haven Ave. THen looking the other way, it was apparent the female was in the nest, as she was sitting up and preening. Her pale breast feathers gleamed in the late sun.

Washington Heights Hawk Nest

So the female is in the nest, but just sitting around. Hmmm.

Washington Heights Hawk Nest

Washington Heights Hawk Nest

And then taking off for a bit without the male taking over duty in the nest.

Washington Heights Hawk

I guess this means no eggs in the nest, yet.

As the female took off heading south, the male came flying up the avenue, past the nest and landing on a rooftop a block up.

Washington Heights Hawk

Then back down the avenue and into a treetop at P.S. 173.

March 30

Then back up the avenue. Then back down the avenue. Then over a rooftop to the south and out of sight.

I wandered about a bit. Then saw the male return, landing on the same rooftop north of the nest.

Washington Heights Hawk

Apparently he had caught something while he was away, possibly a mouse. But rather than eat on the rooftop, it was back down the street to the big tree.

Washington Heights Hawk

Must have been a mouse. He couldn't have spent more than five minutes gulping the meal down.

Washington Heights Hawk

And somewhere in the last 15 minutes while I wasn't paying attention, the female had returned to the nest. A little bit later, the male flew up to see how things were doing.

Washington Heights Hawk

Then he was back down to the big tree, and then off to the east somewhere.

Sunset approached, and the female laid down in the nest. She may not be brooding but she will be soon.

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