June 10, 2008

6/9, Hot Hawks

Monday was the third hot and steamy day in a row, and the hawks at the cathedral were showing it.

I arrived around 6:15 to find the two babies on the edge of the nest, on opposite sides of St. Andrew's head, panting in the heat.

Cathedral Red-Tail Nestlings

The nestling at left is standing in the "hot hawk" position, its wings held a couple inches out from its body.

Cathedral Red-Tail Nestlings

Just before 6:30, there was some shuffling around, and for a few minutes, neither nestling was visible. Then mama Isolde quietly landed on Tristan's urn on the roof of St. Luke's across 113th St. No hot-hawk posture for her, as the location offered a bit of a breeze, but she too was panting.

Isolde atop St. Luke's

Seeing mama, one of the nestlings perked up and stood on the north side of the nest where it could look back at her.

Cathedral Red-Tail Nestling

And so the situation stayed for the next half hour. Isolde perched on the urn.

Isolde atop St. Luke's

And one baby in the hot-hawk stance on the edge of the nest.

Cathedral Red-Tail Nestling

The only variation in the scene was that the nestling once hopped over to the south side of the nest, but popped back within a half minute.

The other nestling apparently stayed put in the back of the nest where it couldn't be seen.

Cathedral Red-Tail Nestling

And after 50 minutes or so I departed.

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