May 25, 2014

5/23, CCNY/Shepard Hall

Last stop on Friday's four-nest tour was the red-tailed hawk nest at Shepard Hall on the CCNY campus. We're still trying to figure out how many baby hawks might be up there.

First glimpse from down at the corner of St. Nick and 141st St. Mama is fussing about the nest, but no baby hawks in sight.

CCNY Hawk Nest (0562)

And she settled down on the side of the nest, where she stayed for the next 45 minutes.

CCNY Hawk Nest (0616)

And nary a sign of a nestling.

Finally, as shadows lengthened, the male came soaring up to Shepard Hall from across the campus, landing up on a tower out of site. The female must have seen some sign of him, as she promptly got up and soared out, circling around Shepard Hall a couple times.

CCNY Hawk (0665)

Then flew up to perch on the tower.

CCNY Hawk (0671)

CCNY Hawk (0673)

CCNY Hawk (0682)

Where she only stayed for 15-20 seconds, before taking off again and circling round to the other side.

There she perched close to the male as sunset approached.

CCNY Hawks (0693)

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