June 23, 2012

6/23, J. Hood Wright Fledgling

I headed up to Washington Heights on Saturday to check on the fire escape red-tail babies. I'd learned that only one was still in the nest Saturday a week ago and expected that both would be lurking about the treetops of J. Hood Wright Park, near the George Washington Bridge. Something I forgot to factor in beforehand was that playground noise would make listening for robin alarms and other noisy clues juste a bit difficult.

After making a pass around the park and returning close to where I originally entered, there were definite robin alarms coming from somewhere close by. Then a quick glimpse of a hawk flying away to the east. But the robins kept complaining. One of the fledglings was perched 60 or 70 feet above the handball court.

J. Hood Wright RT Fledgling

He was engaged in most of the gamut of fledgling activity. Staring at robins.

J. Hood Wright RT Fledgling


J. Hood Wright RT Fledgling

Staring at people and dogs below.

J. Hood Wright RT Fledgling


J. Hood Wright RT Fledgling

And more staring at robins.

J. Hood Wright RT Fledgling

The only thing missing seemed to be eating.

There was no sign of the other fledgling despite a couple about tours around the park. Another sighting of one of the parents was made, but that was it.

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