June 20, 2013

6/19, Wednesday on 113th St.

An almost perfect early Wednesday evening found the St.John's cathedral hawk family all too be seen. And all the three fledglings are showing their growing flying ability, soaring across 113th St. and landing way, way up.

First view was momma Isolde at the west end of St. Luke's hospital dealing with the pesky neighborhood kestrels.

Hawk vs Kestrel

I must have just caught the tail end of the disturbance as she was able to take a breather after that attack.

Hawk on Hospital

At the east end of the hospital, on the roof of the Plant Pavilion, two of the fledglings were lurking together.

Cathedral Fledges A & B

The lower might have been checking out the remnants of a previous meal to see if there were any titbits remaining.

Cathedral Fledges A & B

Both were doing some begging.

Cathedral Fledge B

Okay, now the fledge who was on the right is now on the left, and vice versa.

Cathedral Fledges B & A

And more begging. Is there a parent somewhere that I haven't spotted?

Cathedral Fledges B & A

And then shortly after, the fledges split up. One flew over to the top of the hospital's Minturn Pavilion. Then the other opted to fly across the street to the roof the cathedral apse.

Cathedral Fledge B in Flight

The latter had flown toward a parent, Mr. X, the father.

June 19

But poppa almost immediately took off, leaving the fledge alone on the finial, directly above the nest.

Back on the hospital roof, the fledge has disappeared. Then a young hawk appeared atop the old dome base above the hospital entrance. Then another popped alongside. Again, it seemed they might be checking out the rooftop for the remnants of an earlier meal.

Cathedral Fledges A & C

WIthin a few minutes, both fledglings atop the hospital flew across the street and landed on the arch along the side of the cathedral crossing. Again it looked like they were checking about for food that might have been left behind earlier. Nothing doing, and aside from occasional begging noises, they settled down to preen.

And the fledge, atop the finial?

Fledge B on FInial

Preening there, too.

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